
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Imaginarium 2016 at SAM

I can't believe how time flies! I thought we visited Imaginarium just last year and it's back again! This year is flying too quickly. Does that happen when a person ages?

This year's theme is "Over the Ocean, Under the Sea". It is the sixth edition of SAM's children-focused annual exhibition. This time round, we delve into the deep and are invited into the watery realms of the Earth as seen through the eyes of contemporary artist. Over the Ocean, Under the Sea presents tactile and interactive works that encourage discovery through exploration and play. 

This installation is so meaningful. No doubt it is just a bunch of plastics, but it gave me the opportunity to explain to Big K how important it is to recycle and not be using too much of these non-biodegradable materials. 

We navigated into another room and made the acquaintance of mysterious denizens of the deep. This room features works of Krit Ngamsom. His kinetic sculptures are tongue-in-cheek references to iconic artworks that changed definitions and assumptions about art through their use of ready made objects. The fountain on top of the whale for example is made of tiny urinals! I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't read the description. Issues concerning the oceans is also covered in this room. I asked Big K how would she feel if she was like the shark trapped in a glass tank and it made her ponder. 

In this next room, we discovered ADA. ADA is an interactive art-making machine. It is an installation with PVC balloons, helium and charcoal. This "creature" glows with the bioluminescence of denizens of the deep. The giant sphere has charcoal studs affixed to her surface and it makes great interactive fun for the kids. The number of people entering is limited each time, so you don't have to worry about your child being crushed by the ball. 

Where is Mogus? Mogus is an imaginary octopus monster, which is artist Mulyana's alter ego. The various corals and sea creatures were laboriously crocheted from yarn. It's really a wonderful sight which invites the young to frolic amidst the whimsical sea monsters. The artist hopes to encourage play, imagination and exploration and my kids sure did all three!

My favourite room has got to be the Underwater Labyrinth as it is constructed by none other than me! Janice Wong! No la, we just happen to have the same name and surname but hey, i noticed, people with this name seem to have something in common -- artistic! or so I'd like to think that I have that in me! :P 
This installation is created with isolate, chocolate, LEDs and acrylic stands. The colonies of corals which encrust the sides pf the gallery are meticulously crafted. Sparkling in the day and luminescent at night, artist-chef Janice Wong's Underwater Labyrinth invites visitors to discover the wonders of a re-created deep-seabed. Wish I could get my hands on those marshmallows!

The Submaroom is probably Big K's favourite as she got to learn how to create various types of sea creatures using Origami. There are two tables with instructions on them and pieces of paper to entice the little ones to do a little folding. No one is there to guide them however so that probably explains why it is not a popular room when we went. 

The Imaginarium is held at SAM at 8Q till 28 August 2016. If you'd like to have some respite from the afternoon sun and at the same time find a fun way to discuss about the how the oceans and seas are susceptible to abuse and degradation, this is the place to head to!

SAM is located at 71 Bras Basah Road and you would probably need to park at nearby carparks along Queen Street, NTUC Income Centre, Manulife Centre, Hotel Grand Pacific or Singapore Management University. It is also a short 2-minute walk from Bras Basah MRT station. 
Opening hours:
MOndays to Sundays 10am to 7pm
(Last admission at 6:15pm
Fridays 10am to 9pm

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