
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Embarking on solids

The boy is already close to 11 months old and here I am, blogging about his solids. He has started solids officially at 6months old and I'm very glad that he's a good eater as compared to his sister whom I've pulled every strand of hair trying to cajole her into taking more than 5 spoons. Every morning, I ensure that he get his necessary nutrients and mostly I'll insist on making them fresh as opposed to frozen. I do, however, freeze some of the stuff for weekends when the hub embarks on some fatherly duties while I work. I used to get my frozen stash from Petit Bowl but they shifted further from me hence I have no choice but to buck up and inevitably save a bit. Cooking for a baby honestly isn't difficult when you have the right tools but when you have to do it every single day, the menu does get a little dull. Things also get a little arduous when cooking is not limited to a baby but a toddler and me! All these have to be done by 1030am as the both of them have to be fed by 1130am before they are coaxed into taking a nap. Imagine the rush especially if we wake up a little earlier! Quite rare. Very often we spend the first half an hour frolicking and lazing around in bed. Oh and don't forget, I've gotto bathe the both of them and play with them too! Admittedly, I have my lazy days, but I tell myself to be motivated for the sake of my sweetie pies. I hope the below baby food will serve as an inspiration for all mommies out there!

Porridge with spinach, fish and wolfberries
Apple, red sweet potato, chicken and onion
The boy constipates quite a bit. So prunes has become quite a staple fruit in his diet
Pumpkin brown rice porridge
Kiwi and sweet plum for weekend desserts. And yes, da boy eats them all!
These two ingredients pack quite a punch
Butternut squash  & potato blended with vegetable stock with a sprinkle of grated cheese. YUMS!

Purple sweet potato & brown rice cereal

Pears are supposedly good for constipation too! Hence this combo.

Potato, Spinach and Fish

My trusty tool from PHILIPS AVENT. The Steamer cum blender! A lifesaver when it comes to preparation of food. Am so glad I kept it for Small K!

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