
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Review: Nature Republic Snail Solution

Today I'm gonna talk about something slimy. Live snails are crawling on women's faces in Japan! Yup I don't really know why they pay heaps (I heard around SGD106)to have something you can get in your garden to crawl all over your face, but apparently, it is said to remove old cells, heal the skin after sun burn and moisturise it and ha anti-ageing effect on human skin. Some cosmetics are already sold with essence of escargot.

I can't possibly fly to Japan so the next best thing was to use the slimy products. When I first learned about snail's slim being embodied in an all natural skin care treatment, my reaction was one of bewilderment and grimaces. Some time back, I think I've mentioned that the hub brought back a big loot of facial products from his Korean business trip. I've started using them and would like to share with you guys the wonderful results I'm getting from this whole snail therapy. Initially, I've actually instructed the hubs to get a more popular brand as I'm not familiar with the rest. However, that brand only has one pathetic outlet thus the hub simply decided to grab any brand with the word SNAIL. 

Snail creams have been around in Korea for some time now. Snail secretion is such a substance touted as the cure for your skin. Whitening, brightening, moisturizing, hydrating, anti-aging, skin repairing, treat inflammation, control acne, and even dissolve stretch name it and supposedly snail is the answer. The balance between collagen and elastin in the skin of snails is almost the same to that of humans. When snails face hardship, they naturally produce a serum that is packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, immune modulators, proteins, co-enzymes, and cell-communicating ingredients. This is the principle ingredient in snail creams.
Not quite sure about the anti-aging/ hydrating bit but it definitely is helping with my scaring! Since young, I've been plagued with acne. It's so bad during my teens that friends will tease me and I'll hide in my shell (like a snail). Inferiority was inherent and to mask it, I slapped on makeup. Not a wise move considering that it clogs pores. Empress Dowager is a believer of SQUEEZING and is constantly popping my acne thus leaving me scars which till today is apparent. It's not too bad after the teenage cycle but each time i bathe or laugh, the ugly red marks would show and it's as if i've been drinking. 

The set that sweetie bought includes an eye cream (which I've yet to try), ampoule (which i religiously apply before makeup) and the heavenly snail cream! On top of that, he got me a whole stack of facial masks which instantly whitens my skin. When applying the snail mucin, i was a little skeptical and worried that it will make my skin oily, however, it was more of moisturized than oily. The ampoule served as a protection before my makeup and I feel like my skin isn't so damaged by those products I slap on. It gives me some form of hydration as well.
When applied to clean skin, the snail cream will fuse with your skin cells and stimulate the innate healing processes of your skin. It also triggers the orderly repair and regeneration of damaged and cells affected by UV damage
Well, seeing is believing, Look below for the results:

BEFORE: See all the nasty red spots?

After: GORGEOUS RESULTS!! love it love it love it! The reason why this photo looks like a passport photo is coz it is. Am getting a new one done. Lighting may defer slightly but even if you discount the result by 30%, there's still a significant improvement! Now I just need to work on the huge pores and fine/ not so fine lines!

Here's the legendary set: Eye cream, Ampoule, Snail cream and mask sheet. The whole set cost slightly over $100. Money well spent but hopefully no snail has been harmed in the process!

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it ~ Confucius
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PS: This is not a paid review. All opinions are 100% my own. Results obtained from usage of the product may vary from person to person. Please do your own research when purchasing products as your opinion may differ from mine.


  1. This is really awesome! I think the product deserves to be reviewed on this blog. Do you know if this is available outside Singapore at all?

    xo, Yee Mei

  2. I hear this line has been discontinued and replaced by the Snail Solution line. Have you tried those products and do you think they have the same effects? Thanks for your review!
