
Sunday, June 30, 2013

H is for Haze Panic

The whole of Singapore was in the clutches of a Haze Panic last week and most of us were rendered helpless by the acrid smoke. I was no exception. We had to shut all windows, place wet towels beneath doors and take out our trusty but noisy vacuum cleaner which doubled up as an air purifier. Thankfully the hubs had the hindsight to purchase it prior to The Haze Panic despite hurting our pocket.

The hub was in KL and according to him, the air there was much fresher (then). His flight instinct kicked in and suggested that I escape with lil K to some country. Anywhere would be better than Singapore given the soot which we are wading through and the singed air entering our nostrils. However, I had concerns. What if the haze is gone by tomorrow? What is Lil K gona eat whilst we are overseas (she is still taking mostly no added preservatives and salt stuff, thus eating out is quite a pain). Anxiety attack hit me when PSI hit 400! I almost had to brave through it to get to work but for the sake of the lil one, i stayed home. I couldn't be traipsing around or bringing her over to the in law's even though it's just within walking distance. Also, no one in the right mind would volunteer to come over to babysit her. Yup, I still had to bring her over when PSI was 200+. This is my child and I will definitely want to cocoon her in the arms of safety, thus i kept her home. Staying home and trapped literally in our master bedroom was no easy task, given that Lil K is now a bubbly 19 mth-old.

The below was what we did during the house arrest:

Using our homemade play-dough to trace out the letter H

Sandpaper H. Teaches the lil one texture as she traces the letter.

H is for Hat

Lil K has been very good with her scooping skills. Keeps her entertained for a while.

In my desperate attempts to teach Lil K numbers, I made this chart with little pockets to place sticks in. Clearly, she didn't put in the right number of sticks.

Ran out of ideas, thus we did Q-tip painting again

Something that we try to do every other night.
Oh boy, all these are rendering me breathless. Lil k's attention span has been short and her favourite word these days is "Scared". It's been extremely trying to keep her entertained and calm her nerves. Going to the toilet/ cooking/ blogging is a feat as she constantly wants to be carried else will throw a huge tantrum. Gritting my teeth and riding it through as I think she's gaining momentum towards the terrible two. Hope it doesn't get too terrible.

1 comment:

  1. Your baby is so cute and looks really bubbly and loves to do a lot of activities you prepared for her. How's the haze panic? is it gone. Thankful you're safe with you Lil K.

    Thanks for dropping by on my blog :)
