
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Homelearning:: Easter fun

I am always excited when there is a festival coming up. Not only because we get to party and bond as a family, but it is also a great thematic learning opportunity. 

The long weekend of Easter Sunday just came and went. We aren't Christians but I think it is nice for my children to be exposed to the story behind Easter lest they think that Easter is a celebration of bunnies and eggs!

Was pretty glad to get this book from My Greatest Child at Citysquare Mall. It was going at 1/2 price!

To complement the theme, below are the activities we engaged in. I think I might have outdone myself this year!

This was an inspiration from @tiny3rds I basically printed these adorable chicks and pasted onto a piece of used cardboard. Then I painstakingly cut with a blunt blade. -_- The process of making was far longer than playing. Small K took less than 1min to place them into the relevant holes. 

Sensory treasure hunt for matching eggs. The eggs had shapes and the kids had to find the matching shapes and colour.

Counting activity. It was quite a challenge to get Small K to have the patience to count through. This boy is completely different from his sister in terms of learning styles. I foresee it is going to be an uphill task. 

This activity is a recycled one. Inspired by @playlexue. The faces of each Sesame Street character was painstakingly cut out! My eyeballs almost popped! This year, i changed the action slips and hey presto we've got a new activity! The kids enjoyed it tremendously especially when it involved physical actions.

Gifted by @happytotshelf who played an instrumental role in this event. Very glad to have met her and didn't expect to share so many things in common. 

Art and craft. Big K's favourite. I was glad I had these stash in the pile of materials I had! It was a life saviour coz I wasn't prepared to do anything that day but the kids were patiently for mommy to present them with activities. A blessing which I couldn't say no to.

It's about time Small K (35mo) try his hands at lacing. however, it was treated with lukewarm welcome. He used it as a kite and ran around the house instead. -_- I guess that's the difference again, between a boy and a girl? Big K started to show very good fine motor skills at a young age whilst Small K is more adept in his gross motor skills. That said, this boy held the pencil the correct way far earlier than Big K! He must be some kind of genius! teehee

It was all about Science. We discovered that vinegar will disintegrate the egg shell and turn it into a naked egg after 48 hours. It could even bounce! Amazing that the membrane is such a great protection for the chick (if there were a chick). The other Science activity we played with was the overused baking soda with vinegar. Though an old activity, the kids seemed to have great fun and refused to stop. Probably because this time I added colouring and they were busy mixing colours. 

Letter hunt. I really didn't expect Small K to know his letters well, but he surprised me! This printable was from totschooling

Colour Sorting. An activity inspired by JsAreana. Once again, lovingly cut out, but activity completed within a few minutes. 

It smelt heavenly!

This activity has got to be the highlight of Easter! We were invited to attend an egg pop cake baking session conducted by the queen of chiffon, Susanne Ng. It is my 2-year goal to bake a decent cake and this was certainly a great push. In fact, it pushed not only me, but the husband who decided that he is a whizz at baking. This man is sometimes so full of himself. So much so he has accepted the challenge to bake a birthday cake for Small K's impending birthday next month. It wasn't as difficult as I thought, but the technique needs to be improved. The unmoulding process wasn't that easy. Probably because we couldn't wait for it to cool. Taste wise, it got the thumbs up from the kids! In fact, the kids enjoyed the baking jam so much they kept telling everyone that they baked.

The next highlight of Easter was a meetup with some homelearning IG mommas. These mummies are extremely passionate in teaching their children and are so creative and inspiring. Just look at the activities they prepared for the event and you will know what I mean! It was a great opportunity to show my children how easy and nice to make new friends. Somehow, it doesn't come naturally for my kids to make new friends, hence as their mom, I probably should show them and set a good example. I am glad that I can finally put a face to the many IG accounts I follow. 

Small K's favourite activity: Waterbeads!

Egg hunt! Big K was delirious that she found all the eggs and there was a surprise inside!

DIY lava lamp. An activity created by playlexue. She is one creative mommy who puts together interesting stuff for her kid, QR.

Playdoh can never go wrong at a party. These aren't ordinary playdoh. It is homemade by MessyfingersThe tools are so interesting that even I wanted a piece of the action. 

Hope you guys had a good rest over the long weekend! I know I need a good  (and long) rest after all these activities!