
Sunday, April 27, 2014

healthy food for pregnant mums

Now, if you think that i have been lazy in the kitchen due to the lack of food post of late, bite your tongue and think again! i have been up to my neck with work (read: peak period), trying to get organised, looking after the lil one, partial homeschooling and on weekends rushing hm from work to cook.  so yeah, i hv been hell busy.

However, that's no excuse for ill treating my tummy.  especially important when one is pregnant. so no matter how tired I am,  I make it a point to cook nutritious foods especially on weekends (mind you, I do work on Saturdays too)

here's what's cooking in Wong's kitchen:
beetroot carrot soup ; spinach (great source of iron ( with baby silver fish and ginger chicken cubes. 

Beetroot is really great and I've discovered it a tad late. It's high in iron, contains loads of Vitamin C, improves the health of the liver, has the capability of purifying the blood during pregnancy thus reducing defects of birth, diminishes blood pressure (not that i need any of that), increases physical stamina for pregnant moms, packs carbs, Vitamins A and B, soluble fiber and protein and last but not least, folic acid which helps in fetal development -- especially important in the initial stages.
Soups are a must, especially since for this pregnancy I didn't get much, if any at all, soup from the mil. Cordyceps are known to be good for immunity. It's extremely expensive. A few short strands can set you back by SGD300-500! So as a substitute, I used Cordyceps Militaris which is a cultured fungus that has similar properties I suppose. It has anti-inflammation, anti-aging properties, relieves insomnia, strengthens one's lungs and benefits the kidneys. I simply slow cooked it with some huai shan, red dates and wolfberries. Everyone loved it!
Blackbean is said to have heaps of folate. I hope I'm not too late in this game! It is also a good source of fiber and protien. Pan fried herb salmon. a good source of omega. really hope i m not lacking in that department coz throughout this pregnancy, i have been adverse towards fish! lastly stewed chicken with carrots and mushrooms. the gravy is just divine! slurps.

A spread for two plus one and a half. Steamed chicken with red dates (careful not to add dang gui as this is a no-no for pregnant women) and wolfberries together with cordyceps chicken soup take centre stage. Other supporting dishes include fried fish, spinach and onion egg. Special mention that i have been using either brown rice/ black rice / quinoa in replacement of white rice as these are known to be super grains. Healthy much? :)

So there, i hope the above will inspire you to step into the kitchen and whip up something healthy :)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The hub's traveling stints

I really should get to sleep. Well I did prior to this, whilst making Lil K sleep at 830pm. However, like clockwork,  I shocked myself awake at 11pm, appalled that I've yet to take my dinner. cooked but have not eaten. yes. life is such. The day started bad.  With me being emo. blame it on the raging hormones n a text received from the hub that he has an impending trip due on the 3rd week of delivery n will arrive back in sg on the morning of the tentative full month party.  my greatest worry came true. This was exactly what happened for no. 1's party. I had single handedly coordinated n diy a great deal.  This wasn't quite the problem.  problem was I'm very strict with my confinement and didn't step out of the house.  Thus I had to beg people to help.  okay mayb too strong a word but definitely troubled heaps of people to do the leg work n help with collections. Not forgetting the fact that I diyed the gift boxes comprising of cupcakes baked by my cousin, ang ku kway and red eggs done by my mil and packaging and all other simple party decor done by me. I think sometimes I'm just out to torture myself. In addition,  the worse bit was coordinating the guest list from the in laws side.  It was a nightmare the last time and I had a meltdown and the blues coz of it. They couldn't give me a number n claimed that they don't need to invite any relatives but ended up inviting and needing boxes of cakes from me at the eleventh hour!

You might now say that I should just make it simple and just outsource. Well Firstly,  do u know by doing all these I've saved quite a bit? Secondly,  I can't be shortchanging no.2 right?  In fact,  I'm determined to give no.2 as much as I did for no.1. ok. Go ahead and laugh at my ambitious goal.  But at least I'm gonna try.
so ok, the day was emo n due to a cancellation,  I decided to give myself a treat and headed to Nom Bistro @ Mac pherson Community Club. strange place to venture for food isn't it? I needed time out to cool my mind.  I can't help it that the hub needs to fly.  I'm frustrated n very worried how things will pan out with no helper, limited help and soon, two in tow.  Whilst everyone is taking the chill pill, I'm a worry pot. Doesn't help that thereafter a certain someone came asking if I was good and started preaching me about getting a maid and outsource things and even consider staying at home to look after the kids in order not to miss their childhood Cox they r only young once. made me sound like a bad mum who seemd obsessed with material possessions. wow. heavy. coming from a non-mummy and single non-working class,  I'm sorry, as much as I appreciate the thoughts and advice,  it really got me more vexed. especially since after explaining she's still adamant and opinionated,  I see no pt in continuing the conversation. honestly,  unless u are in a similar position, u really have no credibility to comment as well-meaning as u may be.

So yeah, I headed to NOM Bistro, only to realise that I didn't have a single parking coupon.  thankfully,  there was a 7-11 nearby.  But alas!  I didn't bring my cards n had limited cash.  embarrass much! thankfully I managed up dig up my coins n gather enough to pay.  Next, lunch.  No cash,  no card,  how an I to eat? just when I thought all was lost n I had to head home on an empty tummy, I recalled that the hub had left his credit card in the car!  yeah!! my knight in shining armour! at least he is doing something right despite not being in town!  The day didn't end up being that bad afterall as I've finally got my rainbow cake fix. :)

from left: salted caramel rainbow slice (too sweet), clam chowder (slightly salty) and eggs benedict (eggs not well poached and ham slices look insincere)

overall: ambience was simple and calming coz of the white furnishings; service  was good but food wise they've goto try harder. 

PS: For those of you who think that i'm all whiny coz the hubs is not going be around just for that period, FYI, the hub is a slut in the air. Yup, Singapore sometimes ends up as his transit point. His notice for the family can be a mere 24hours at times. This is extremely trying when it comes to child caring arrangements. And sometimes within a month, we'll probably only see each other for a 2 weeks? Even then, the communication is lacking coz mostly we'll be either busy with work or the kid. Lil K has grown up with such arrangement that she now gets confused which continent the father is in. And mostly she thinks that daddy takes the plane to work everyday!

PPS: This bit added on Sunday 20 April 2014:

Conversation between Lil K and I.....
Lil K: Mama, I want to take aeroplane go to Japan

Me: y Japan? 
Lil K: no mama, I want to take aeroplane to thailand to look for papa here we are. . Though we couldn't just hop on n fly but, close enough.

Daddy, where are you? :(

Really nice to be chilling with my bub though she was climbing up and down, taking her shoes off and puking milk on the floor.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thus Far. 31 weeks and counting

So we are in our 31st week already! RED ALERT! Where has all the time gone? My anxiety level is at its all time high and nesting instincts are kicking in fast and furious. It's strange that everyone, including myself, is so chill about this pregnancy. We've announced about the new bun in the oven since Chinese New Year but we've received lukewarm support and giveaways, if any at all. So I waited and waited coz the hubs kept assuring me that there is still time and that friends and relatives will shower us with hand-me-downs. But ALAS! Nothing. He realised that we've probably only got less than 9 more weeks to go! For a normal person with great support system, 9 weeks is a whole lot of time. but in my case, I am pretty much on my own, save for the MIL helping with Lil K's dinner on weekdays and Dad who is the designated chauffeur for Lil K when she dismisses from school in the evening. A big help of course as without Daddy Dearest, who is getting on in age but is always there for me, I wouldn't be able to come this far. Truly, he is the one who has been quietly supporting me, driving me for gynae checkups whenever the hubs is not in town. He brings Lil K and I lunch every weekday. He is my free labour, carrying Lil K, and picking up the grains she spills after lunch. He is my postman, helping with my deliveries to customers. Everyday, I see him age so much and at times I feel awful for not providing him with a better life. Though honestly, I think he his really doing quite well for his age, whilst I'm still struggling my ass off with tons of loans!

Now, with all that said, I should be moving at turbo speed but URGH! NO! Between having to manage chores, work, paying taxes, figuring out heaps of other stuff, revising how to all the baby stuff (which i've yet to do so..breathe breathe) and Lil K, I really don't have the time to do anything else! Really want to get that pre-natal massage and not postpone it to a post natal one. Really want to get those fat feet manicured and not let it outgrow the polish I had on during CNY. But the house is in disarray and it feels like I'm going through major spring cleaning again! I close both eyes and walk in a war zone everyday. but this can't be the way we are receiving our new member. Relax I hear? Chill and be happy? Well, I'm doing my best. In fact, I feel much happier this time round despite having tons to do. Can't help that I'm a planner and don't wish to be bothered by all those stuff during my confinement. Am hoping to put everything in place and hope the things (read Momzilla behaviour: activities for Lil K) I'm stocking up is enough to allow me to have some time to get used to the new pace of life. I'm an extremely random person and my things (despite filing them up) can be all over the place. Things really have to be more organised else I can't imagine the insanity I've to go through with managing the little ones, work and having to be a conscientious cow, which incidentally, I'm trying to break my previous record of 15 months. In addition, I won't be having the usual 4 months maternity break which most FTWMs get to enjoy coz I am accountable to myself.

The list of to-dos and anxiety is mounting but giving me loads of drive and focus. A trait (the drive and focus that is) I wish to pass on to my children. I, of coz, seek to reach an equilibrium but life is short and these are really challenges to make me a stronger person!

I am grateful for all the obstacles in my life. They've strengthen me as I continue with my journey!